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Istanbul (1)

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Daily Log

Day 10 - May 30, 2000

Taylor Home

We will spend a day cruising and then remain in port at Istanbul until the next evening.  As we approach Istanbul from the sea, the graceful minarets of countless mosques will appear on the horizon, and the Islamic call to prayer will carry over the water.  Istanbul's blend of East and West has resulted in some of the most magnificent architecture in the world, including the Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque.  At the Topkapi Museum, formerly the sultan's palace, the treasures of the Ottoman Empire are on display.  You can bargain for your own treasures in one of the Grand Bazaar's 5,000 shops.

Click on the small picture to see a larger one.

This map shows today's travel path.
x0001238.jpg (25738 bytes) Most of this day was spent traveling on the boat to Istabul, so this page has a number of pictures about the boat.  Here we are enjoying breakfast with Sara and Michael.  The cruise food is very good.  Too good.  I think most people gain weight on cruises.
x0001243.jpg (24580 bytes) Sara and Michael enjoy the pool with a friend.
x0001247.jpg (11996 bytes) A shot over the bow.
x0001248.jpg (20928 bytes) The lifeboats.  The second day, we had a lifeboat drill, where every passenger wears their life preserver and lines up under their assigned lifeboat, waiting for the captain to walk by and approve our formation.
x0001251.jpg (19841 bytes) Imagine playing ping pong while the ship moves through the windy sea.   Here are two people that show it can be done.
x0001252.jpg (19220 bytes) This is the general lounge on the ship, where entertainment and informational meetings take place.
x0001253.jpg (25583 bytes) When we leave the ship to vist an island, we take a tag from this board to indicate we are off the ship.  Upon return, the tag is replaced.  This helps the ship track whether they are leaving someone ashore.
x0001255.jpg (12164 bytes) This evening, we pulled into Istanbul.  This is one view, entering the harbor.
x0001263.jpg (31736 bytes) We took a walk along the seaboard and into the city for a distance.   Here, street vendors are selling their daily catch.
x0001264.jpg (23652 bytes) For the entire length of this bridge, people are fishing.  You have to be careful walking along the sidewalk, when people pull their rod back to cast their line.
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Daily Log          john@jetfamily.com         Taylor Home

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