Here are some photos of the landscaping (click to see big):
This is front yard. |
This is the left side, where we put the trampoline. You can see the fence that surrounds the backyard in the background. |
This is the same left side, but closer to the house so you can see where Linda has been doing some planting. |
This is a view across the backyard from the front left corner (just inside the backyard fence). |
This is a view from the same place (front left corner inside backyard fence), but aiming directly to the backyard rear left corner. |
This is a bad picture from a second floor window, so you get an idea of where the corner garden is. It has a little fence to keep the dogs out. The next picture shows a close up of the beds. |
This is the garden. Hopefully you can see the corn. Some broccoli up front. Beans next to the first row of corn. Big sunflowers rising in the back corner, behind the second corn/peas area. |
This is from the back corner of the garden, across the backyard to the house. |
Look closely and you might see the two migrant workers pulling weeds along our fence line. We flew one of them in from California, because of her many years of farming expertise. The other is a live-in. |
This is the fence line from the garden to the driveway. |
This is the driveway, which is on the right side of the house, looking into the backyard through the fence/gate. |
This is the front yard from the right side. Now you've been around our house, clockwise, from the front. x |