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Verona, Padua, and Venice

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May 17, 1998

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In Verona, this is known as Juliet's balcony, because it is at her traditional family home, and one can imagine the "Wherefore art thou, Romeo" scene.  Actually, the man that wrote the original story (not Shakespeare) lived in this city.
x001081.jpg (16993 bytes) Just an interesting note about toilets in Italy.  Whether public or private, they cost money.  Either by buying something or paying a fee to the person in charge.  This is the facility operated by the "toilet witch" in Verona, as they call her.
x001087.jpg (22804 bytes) In Padua, this is the "Basilica di Sant' Antonio."  The town is small, but very well preserved, in terms of narrow streets and neighborhoods that appear as they have for centuries.  The town is featured in Shakespeare's  "Taming of the Shrew."
x001096.jpg (28687 bytes) One of the few pictures with all four of us.  Here we are gently cruising down the streets of Venice in a gondola.  There is another gondola nearby with Italian music for our group.
x001098.jpg (22056 bytes) This is a couple in our group that is traveling with us.  From Michigan, they were married last Saturday, and are spending their honeymoon on this trip.
x001107.jpg (25805 bytes) As the Italian singer belts out "Santa Lucia," we pass the church which has the relics for which the song is named.

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